Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Sabbatical time

I am in the middle of a 30 day Sabbatical to clear my head, get myself re-centered and refocused. I have to admit, a few things have cropped up within myself. It's funny how all work and no time to think fuzzes one's thinking.

First, I saw how exhausted I really was. Some think that pastors don't work as hard as most people. Perhaps there is some truth to that- especially compared to construction and factory workers (non-union ones that I know). However, the trouble with pastoring is that you never truly leave your work. I am constantly jotting notes for sermon ideas, keeping track of prayer needs, and taking phone calls of problems and issues. These wear one down after awhile.

Second, I realized that I am not superman- nor super-pastor. As much as I try to do it all- bulletins, calendars, reports, prayers, studying, teaching, preaching, visitations- I can't do it all. I have to restructure myself and my people so that we do better ministry together.

Third, I have learned that a lot of people care about me and my needs. Most of my congregation has spoken to me of the need I have to take this personal time off. I am still in my house, still next door to the church and still run into people downtown. But I am not being called as normal. I thank God for the respect of this time by my brothers and sisters.

Fourth, I need to fish more, get pet household projects done and spend some extra time with my wife and family without having to prepare a lesson or run to a meeting. We have spent time around a campfire and on Silver Lake. (Thanks to Ron Rickard's camper)

What's next as I enter the last two weeks? I think I'll watch "Gone With the Wind" and read a few more fiction books. But I also sense a draw to more prayer and fasting. I need to hear from God more.


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