Thursday, February 08, 2007

U of M visit

As most of you are aware, Naomi has a tumor either on or in the left adrenal gland (which can be found on top of the kidney). This is called pheochromocytoma. Most of the time these are benign- as we expect this to be. This was found incidentally last October during a CT scan for another problem. She has experienced radical blood pressure readings and dizziness- increasingly. The doctor/surgeon has put her on a medication that brings down the blood pressure to a very steady and normal reading in preparation of surgery. However, any activity (physical or even having fun with friends) increases the pulse rate dramatically and creates other issues with her heart. Consequently, Naomi is now on medical leave until mid-March.

Tuesday we embarked to U of M in Ann Arbor for a week of scans and tests. The objective of this “tracer” study is to determine the specific size and location of the tumor. The surgeon is not fully convinced that it’s in the adrenal gland (as is most common with pheochromocytoma) but could be just outside of it. We are to plan on being here through tomorrow (Friday) on which we have a 3-4 hour physical/consultation. Surgery is set for February 19. Recovering following surgery shouldn’t be too long and life should return to “normal.” (Whatever normal might mean.)

How can you pray?

-Safe travel in and around and back from Ann Arbor.

-Our focus. Isaiah 26:3 is our verse: “You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts You.” We want our mind to be continually focused on our Lord through this time.

-Wisdom for the surgeon, doctors and nurses who will be working with us. We are grateful for the technology, medicine and skill that God has enabled them to have. But we still need God’s wisdom for them during this process.

-Our children away at college. This is tough for them to have see us from a distance due to their calling. Pray for Andrew & Charity (Bethany Bible) and Joshua (Indiana Wesleyan). We would greatly appreciate that.

-Our public witness. We will encounter people (and already have) that remind us of how blessed in Christ we are and we will encounter people who need Jesus Christ personally in their lives. This is what we live and breathe for. May we be ready and used as God sees fit.

We are thankful for you and count it a privilege to know you as friends.

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